Dear Members,

On Monday May 23, 2016, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo sent out an intent to return to work form to be filled out by all employees with a mandatory form return date of May 27.

The contents of this form have in no way been endorsed by CUPE nor does CUPE condone the form’s intent.  CUPE Local 1505 has been asking numerous questions about this form, but the Employer is being very selective and evasive in answering these questions.

At this time CUPE is advising all members to refer to the re-entry guidelines put out by the Province and the RMWB specifically page 2  outlining those who should not be returning to the area prior to the hospital being re-opened.  If you suffer from any physical or mental health issues that prevent you from returning to Fort McMurray or are currently undergoing treatment we encourage you to obtain a medical certificate from a physician.

Below is a link to a form, developed by CUPE, that you can fill out if you are unable to return to work immediately for any reason and requesting a meeting with Union representation to discuss options with the Employer.

If you have any further questions or concerns please email

Click here for the form


Dear Local Executive and CUPE Members,

 Re: Relief FUND for CUPE Alberta members  

In light of the devastation caused by wild fires in the Fort McMurray area, CUPE Alberta is creating a Relief Fund to assist CUPE members in Alberta who are affected by this 2016 fire.

All monies collected will go directly to CUPE members, the funds will be split amongst CUPE Alberta members who have lost their homes or who will have to be relocated for an extended period of time.

We are asking locals to donate to the Relief Fund to assist our members in rebuilding their lives and homes, and restore hope for the future.

We are hoping to have all donations into the CUPE Alberta Office asap.   This will enable us to distribute the funds to the affected CUPE members.

Please forward your donation to:

CUPE Alberta Treasurer
ATTN: Relief Fund – Fire
300 – 10235 124 Street
Edmonton AB T5N 1P9

In solidarity,
Marle's signature
Marle Roberts
President, CUPE Alberta


Important information for drivers

Renewing Your Provincial Driver’s Licence

fleetAs of April 1, 2016 the Province of Alberta will no longer be mailing out reminders to your home to renew your provincial driver’s licence.

Employees operating employer fleet vehicles or equipment are required to have a valid provincial driver’s licence, as well as an operator’s permit.

 It is the responsibility of employees to ensure that you renew your provincial driver’s licence prior to your birthday expiration date.

Please click the link below to sign up for your free renewal notification via email or text message.

Visit to request a renewal reminder email or text message.