Greetings Friends, Comrades, Sisters and Brothers,
As some of you may remember, the Alberta Ministry of Labour and Immigration promised in January that trade unions in Alberta would receive guidance from the ministry on the implementation of Bill 32. The government indicated that this information would be provided in February, but the information was actually released yesterday. CUPE Alberta Division was advised of this release by the email attached below.
CUPE Alberta Division does not believe that there is any new information in the guidance released by the ministry and we encourage all Locals to refer to the legal opinions, guidance documents and other information provided by CUPE National and the Division to inform your response to Bill 32.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information released by the ministry, please consult your National Representative or the Bill 32 team.
Thank you all for your work for our members and the people of Alberta.
Best and in Solidarity,
Rory Gill, President
CUPE Alberta
From: Labour Relations Consultation <>
Subject: Election of Union Dues and Financial Disclosure Regulations – additional information available
Date: July 27, 2022 at 12:00:07 PM MDT
On July 29, 2020, the Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act received royal assent. The act made a number of changes to labour relations legislation including introducing the election of union dues and the provision of financial statements to union members. As noted in December 2021, the regulations for these provisions are complete.
Labour and Immigration has developed an additional resource to support the implementation of the Election of Union Dues and Financial Disclosure Regulations. This information is now available for viewing here:
For additional information about the regulations, please visit:
Labour Relations Policy & Legislation Unit,
Alberta Labour and Immigration