UCP supporters back striking education workers

An opinion survey conducted by Environics Research for the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) shows a high level of support for striking education workers. The support is evident among both the general Alberta public and (perhaps surprisingly) among supporters of the governing United Conservative Party (UCP).

Over 4,000 education support workers are on strike in Fort McMurray and in the Edmonton region. Five more groups are taking steps toward going on strike soon.

Environics research surveyed 1,002 Albertans, including 421 who indicated they were current supporters of the UCP. The online survey was conducted January 9-22.

CUPE Alberta President Rory Gill says he’s not surprised by the support among UCP supporters, as he has heard from many Albertans who are shocked to learn how poorly paid education workers are.

“Premier Smith and her Ministers should pay attention,” said Gill. “Their own supporters are worried about the state of education, and the lack of resources being put into classrooms.

Gill noted that when asked to pick a side between striking workers and the UCP government, a majority (53%) of UCP supporters picked education workers, while only 28% picked their party of choice.

“The public understands that these job actions are happening because the Alberta government has not addressed the poor wages of school support workers,” said Gill.  “Albertans understand that education workers have to stand up for students and education. Parents and others are cheering them on and joining them.”


Q: Education workers in Alberta are underpaid and deserve wage increases.

  General public (n=1,002) UCP supporters (n=421)
AGREE 74% 61%
DISAGREE 16% 26%
UNSURE 10% 13%


Q: The Alberta UCP government is right to impose a wage cap that prevents school divisions from giving education workers a raise. They need to keep a lid on spending.

  General public (n=1,002) UCP supporters (n=421)
AGREE 27% 37%
DISAGREE 61% 51%
UNSURE 13% 13%


Q: If wages for education workers are kept this low, we won’t be able to attract or retain the people we need in our understaffed education system.

  General public (n=1,002) UCP supporters (n=421)
AGREE 77% 67%
DISAGREE 16% 26%
UNSURE 7% 8%


Q: If we keep underpaying education support workers eventually we get what we pay for and students will suffer.

  General public (n=1,002) UCP supporters (n=421)
AGREE 78% 67%
DISAGREE 16% 27%
UNSURE 6% 6%


Q: Decent pay and working conditions for education workers are a key to having a higher quality education system for our kids.

  General public (n=1,002) UCP supporters (n=421)
AGREE 81% 79%
DISAGREE 12% 19%
UNSURE 6% 6%


Q: If there were to be a job action by education workers in Alberta against the UCP government, whose side would you be on?

  General public (n=1,002) UCP supporters (n=421)
Totally/mostly on the side of the education workers 68% 53%
Totally/mostly on the side of the UCP government 15% 28%
UNSURE 17% 19%