Child care spaces a great move in the right direction – CUPE Alberta

The President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Alberta Division (CUPE Alberta) is congratulating the Notley government for establishing 1,000 public child care spaces.

“Working people need quality, affordable childcare options,” said Marle Roberts. “At $25 per day for licenced care, the NDP is making this affordable for a wide range of parents.”

Roberts noted that the pilot project mirrors programs in Manitoba and Quebec and urged the government to move as quickly as possible to expand the program.

“What I really like is the fact the government is recognizing the need for child care that caters to rural residents, shift workers and others who can’t access child care on a 9 to 5 basis,” said Roberts.

Roberts said CUPE has pushed for better public child care options in Alberta for decades, and while the program announced this week was just a start, it moved in the right direction.

“We know the economy isn’t great right now and there’s not a lot of money,” said Roberts. “But there are 1,000 more spaces than last week. This is something to build on.”

“Public child care works. It helps educational outcomes and increases the productivity of the economy. CUPE Alberta is happy and proud to support this project.”



Scholarship Winner


Scholarship recipient Cedar Albus is presented her scholarship cheque by CUPE Alberta President, Marle Roberts.  This second scholarship was made possible by the support of Personal Insurance.


Congratulations Cedar, we wish you the best in pursuing your post secondary studies.

Read her essay

CUPE disappointed with lack of progress on long term care

losingground_coverEDMONTON – A union representing 2,600 long term care workers in Alberta is disappointed by the lack of progress being made reforming the province’s system of seniors’ care.

CUPE Alberta President Marle Roberts reacted today to the release of “Losing Ground: Alberta’s Residential Care Crisis” by the Parkland Institute.

The report, which updates a 2013 report finds that Alberta continues to rely upon private, for-profit providers of seniors’ care, even though all the research indicates public care produces better outcomes.

“Nothing has changed since 2013,” said Roberts. “The system is still in crisis, and if anything, it’s getting worse.”

Roberts said CUPE has repeatedly asked the previous and current Alberta governments to shift the focus to publicly delivered services.

“This study confirms what others have indicated before it – caregivers in public facilities have more time for patients, and deliver better outcomes,” said Roberts.

“We are disappointed that the number of private beds continues to increase, while the number of public beds has dropped,” said Roberts. “We are letting patients down by not offering them the care they need.”


Contact: Marle Roberts

Download the report here.


Health and Safety Award

Do you know a member who has made a significant contribution in the area of health and safety in Alberta?  If so, we would like to hear from you!

Closing date for nominations: December 31, 2016

Click here for more information.

Gift to Morinville Library in memory of Ruth Shymka

In August, CUPE lost Sister Ruth Shymka. Ruth was President of CUPE Local 2550 (St. Albert Catholic Schools) and a member of the CUPE Alberta Executive and CUPE Alberta Literacy Committee.

CUPE Alberta provides gifts to long serving executive members when they leave the board. President Marle Roberts spoke with Ruth before her passing and she indicated she wanted the value of that gift donated to the Morinville donation-to-morninville-libraryPublic Library. As a long time supporter of literacy programs, Ruth was active with her local library.

As per those wishes, CUPE Alberta Vice President David Graham recently presented this gift to Cheryl, the Assistant Manager of the Morinville Public Library in memory of Sister Ruth Shymka.
