What I like best about the Christmas holiday is its ability to make us simultaneously grateful for the things we have while pushing us to remember those who are not as lucky.
Month: December 2012
Small union local has big hearts
Twelve CUPE members dig deep for three local causes
ST. PAUL – The 12 members of CUPE 3197 who work at St. Paul’s Ambulance service have decided to contribute generous donations to three local charities.
More employees of Prairie Land School Division join CUPE
Almost 40 custodians, maintenance workers, mechanics and other employees of Prairie Land School Division have voted to join the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). … Read more…
Media Advisory: ‘Sock it to ‘em’ campaign hits ten year mark
LETHBRIDGE – For the 10th year in a row, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) has led an effort to collect warm socks for Lethbridge and area charities.
December 6th is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on violence against women.
Statement by CUPE Alberta President Marle Roberts
It is a day many Canadians will note because far too many women are still living with violence.