December 1st is World AIDS day – one of eight global public health campaigns observed by the World Health Organization.
Although much has been done to curb the spread of AIDS, an estimated 35.3 million people still live with HIV. And while improved treatments allow many to live with the disease, AIDS still kills 2 million people per year, 13% of whom are children.
Since 2012, the theme of World AIDS day has been “Getting to Zero: Zero new HIV infections. Zero deaths from AIDS-related illness. Zero discrimination.” Progress is being made. In 2011, 2.5 million people were infected with AIDS/HIV, 700,000 fewer than 10 years previously.
Eight million people in low and middle income nations now have access to treatment, up from just 400,000 in 2003.
‘Getting to Zero’ will take investment in public health care, education, and a significant investment in under developed countries. With effort and political will, we can get to zero sooner rather than later.