It is with great sadness that we inform you that Sister Ruth Shymka passed away on August 22nd, 2016.  Sister Ruth was the President of Local 2550, a member of the Alberta Education Employees Committee, a former CUPE Alberta Area VP Northeast,  member of the CUPE AB Division Literacy Committee and CUPE National Literacy Committee.

Ruth’s funeral was held on Tuesday, August 30th at St. Jean Baptist Church in Morinville. Donations may be made to the Morinville Community Library’s Legacy Program.

We are sure you join us in expressing our deepest sorrow to the members of Sister Ruth’s family and her friends.


Ruth is pictured here receiving the 2016 Equal Opportunities Award at the CUPE Alberta Division Convention.
(from left to right, Ruth, Marle Roberts, Garry Lehmann)

Say “No” to paid plasma donation

PlasmaHealth Canada has opened the door for private clinics to buy blood plasma from donors. Commercializing Canada’s blood supply is not only a dangerous precedent, it’s wrong.

In February of 2016, Health Canada issued an operating license to Expharma/Canadian Plasma Resources to open the first paid plasma donation clinic in Saskatoon. The company has also indicated that it has similar licenses pending in Manitoba, British Columbia, and here in Alberta. Like a bad smell, this bad idea is blowing west.



So, what can the people of Alberta do?