Forward, Not Back: How Alberta unions can make a difference in the next election


Greetings Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

The AFL mid-term forum is taking place May 4th and 5th in Calgary. It is titled; Forward, Not Back

How Alberta unions can make a difference in the next election.

For more information regarding the forum and to secure hotel accommodations go to:

As it states in the AFL midterm announcement:

“ The stakes couldn’t be higher for working people. Please join us at the midterm forum to learn about how you can be part of our pre-election campaign!

Together we can keep Alberta moving forward towards a progressive, worker-friendly future.”

CUPE Alberta is asking Locals to support the AFL mid-term forum by sending delegates. The forum will describe how we can support and  be a part of the AFL pre-election campaign.

Although we have had numerous discussions regarding UNIFOR and the impact it has had regarding some President’s of the Federation of Labour’s belonging to UNIFOR, it is important that we have as many delegates at this forum to show our support for the Alberta Federation of Labour.  We may not agree with the decisions made and process followed, but I know, we all agree with a strong labour movement.

I look forward to seeing CUPE members at this forum. CUPE Alberta will be holding a caucus and inviting the AFL Officers for a discussion on our support.    Lets pack the house !

In Solidarity,

Marle Roberts

President CUPE Alberta