The 42nd Annual Alberta Weeklong School was held at Red Deer College from May 27th to June 1, 2018. It was a great success with 94 members attending 5 different courses. This year we ran the Steward Learning Series, Introduction to Human Rights, Bargaining Solidarity, Legal and Legislative and Women Breaking Barriers. The facilitators were: Vicky O’Dell, Janet Riopel, Matt Lensen, Lisa Mason, Kelly Moist, Aneen Albus, Diane Allen, Jackie Roe and Linda Huebscher with many guests from WCB, ALRB, and Alberta Human Rights Commission. Collette Singh assisted as well.
The BBQ was fantastic! Minister David Eggen came to bring greetings to the school. There was a 50/50 draw with proceeds going to the Canadian Legacy Veterans Food Drive. The amount collected this year was over $1600.00. Great work by the Class Reps to sell that many tickets! Many Locals and CUPE Alberta Division provided swag for our BBQ. Our thanks go out to Locals 417, 40, 41 and 3550.
As always, we had class reps who were the conduit for all information at the weeklong school. We thank them for their hard work, Abby Mitchell, Dave Manser, Diana Bredstrand, Doug Laban and Judy Ferre. They were amazing in their commitment to making this the best weeklong school Alberta has every had.
A charity fundraiser ran for the week at the condos where the members stayed. They raised $275.00 that was donated to the Student Association Food Bank. Jason Cormier presented the funds to the President of CUPE Local 417 Red Deer College at the banquet.
Thank you to all of the Locals who value the Union Education Program and send members who learn, make life long friends and go out and help other Union members.
Till next year!!!!