Workers and supporters across the province are making this summer The Summer of Action and we are standing together against Bill 9.

To join the fight against the UCP’s Bill 9 attacks on all Albertans – our contracts, our wages, and our rights – come out on your non-work time and join on the info-pickets being organized across Alberta!

UPCOMING info-pickets across Alberta Schedule:


Monday – August 19, 2019
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
St Michael’s Healthcare Centre
1400 – 9 Avenue S, Lethbridge



Friday –  August 30, 2019
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Misericordia Community Hospital
6940 – 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton



Friday, September 13, 2019
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
St Mary’s Hospital
4607 – 53 Street, Camrose


Wood Buffalo continues to push for fly-by-night contractors over employees

FORT MCMURRAY – As the lockout of Wood Buffalo Housing (WBH) employees reaches the two-month mark, bargaining between CUPE 1505 and the housing authority continues at a slow pace.

Earlier today, Wood Buffalo Housing issued a news release outlining its perspective on how bargaining has progressed.  CUPE 1505 President Judy Collier was unimpressed. “They did not provide accurate information” said Collier.  “For instance, three members have been moved to the Rotary House Collective Agreement, not two.”

Collier said CUPE remains committed to fighting for employees who are committed to the region instead of replacing them with “low wage contractors.”

“The union is committed to increasing its pressure campaign.” Collier said.  Union advertising was expanded on Friday to movie theatres, and that they are looking at bringing pressure on WBH board members.

“The WBH board members have been too quiet,” said Collier. “They can take a stand and end this mistreatment of their employees. We’re not prepared to let them hide much longer.”