MEDICINE HAT – The Alberta Division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Alberta) will hold its annual convention this week in Medicine Hat Alberta.
CUPE Alberta President Marle Roberts expects about 200 delegates to attend the convention at the Medicine Hat Lodge. Roberts expects a lot of discussion about the Alberta PC Government’s plans to impose cuts of up to 25% on the pensions of front line public employees.
“Instead of negotiating these cuts, the government has arbitrarily broken its promise to our front line employees,” said Roberts.
The convention runs from Wednesday March 26th to Friday March 28th.
Media are welcome to attend.
Dates: March 26-28
Location: Medicine Hat Lodge, 1051 Ross Glen Dr SE
- Wed, March 26th, 11:00 am – Speech by CUPE Alberta President Marle Roberts
- Thursday March 27th, 9:15 am – Speech by CUPE National President Paul Moist
- Thursday March 27th, 11:30 am – Speech by Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan
- Thursday March 27th, 3:30 pm – Address by Edmonton Calder MLA David Eggen (NDP Finance Critic)
Contact: Lou Arab
Communications Representative
LA/lg cope#491